Systemic Strategic Leadership Practice – September 2019


Concepts and practices for designing, facilitating and sustaining systemic strategic change - for managers, leaders and consultants

From 9:30 until 16:30

At The Institute of Group Analysis (IGA)

1 Daleham Gardens, London, NW3 5BY

£590. For registrations prior to July 31, 2019, the early bird fee of £500 applies.

The Systemic Development Partnership /

The booking for this event has been closed.


How can we invite teams to coordinate dialogically, learn affirmatively, act reflexively and respond imaginatively to the challenges ahead? 

Conventional approaches to strategic development are informed by linear reasoning, emphasising the formulation of goals, the development of strategic plans and clear communication of the plan to the organisation.  Strategic decision making and change is consequently often associated with power, control and resistance.  However the word ‘strategy’ originally relates to the words ‘act’ and ‘agent’. How might strategic change processes facilitate coordinated action, positioning organisational and team members for successmaximising potential for creative collective agency?

With an aim to make strategy development more inclusive, robust, effective and humane, this workshop on Strategic Systemic Leadership Practice is for managers, leaders and consultants who

  • appreciate that work with strategic change and development requires both, mastery of analytical tasks and linear processes, as well as dialogic skills and sensibilities for engagement, coordination, communication design and shared meaning making.
  • are interested to leverage strategic challenges as opportunities to facilitate collective agency, through inclusive engagement of organisational members and their interests, abilities and resources.
  • wish to learn of practical frameworks that link up conventional knowledge of strategic development with dialogical wisdom, systemic leadership sensibilities and participatory practices.
  • are interested in practice related learning, including learning from case vignettes presented by facilitators, working with their own work situation and with the cases of other participants in the workshop.

Learning aims

In this three day workshop participants will

  • Engage with strategic challenges relevant to their management and consultancy contexts
  • Appreciate living strategy as a moral context for coordination and action
  • Understand strategic development as a collaborative, dialogical, ethical and imaginative achievement
  • Experience a strategic planning framework inclusive of modern and post-modern perspectives
  • Develop specific actions for strategic leadership in management and consultancy contexts
  • Develop specific reflections and actions for their leadership situations in relation to relevant practice contexts

There will be a pre-workshop questionnaire for participants to explore systemic strategic challenges in their leadership or consulting context.

To facilitate dialogue and learning the number of participants is limited to 16.


Day 1

  • Strategic planning introduced in the wider context of an inclusive systemic leadership model
  • Participant inquiry into own system, purposes, network of communication, strategic challenge (based on pre-workshop questionnaire)
  • Development of a reflexive and appreciative critique of strategic planning and positioning in participants organisations
  • Participant aim formulation [Define]

Day 2

  • Mapping of resources available and useful to participants [Discover]
  • Domains theory and leadership
  • The 6D Strategy Process and resources
  • Participants map opportunities and dilemmas for strategic development or strategic consulting [Dream]

Day 3

  • Ethical decision making
  • Determining contexts and relationships relevant to participants’ decision making [Decide]
  • Progression in connection with aims – emergent learning to be developed [Design & Deliver]
  • Developing a consultation system for closing the gap on learning

Theoretical foundations

  • Systemic and social constructionist theory of communication (CMM)
  • Dialogic organisational development approaches
  • Classical theory of strategic decision making and process design
  • Appreciative and reflexive inquiry
  • Social learning theory
  • Ethical frameworks for decision making


Dr. Christine Oliver and Dr. Martin Miksits


London.  Address to be confirmed

Cost and Registration

The cost for the three day workshop is £590. For applications and payments received prior to July 31, 2019, a reduced early bird fee of £500 applies. This also includes coffee, tea and biscuits.

The above fee does not include VAT. We have a limited possibility to provide the course VAT exempt (without VAT) which we offer for self paying individuals and charities that are not registered for VAT. Organisational buyers like businesses, local government and governmental organisations, universities and the NHS, registered for VAT, will be billed the full course cost plus VAT.

The workshop will take place provided that there is a minimum number of six participants. In case the course start has to be cancelled or deferred for any reasons participants will be reimbursed whatever they have paid.

Dr Martin Miksits

Dr Christine Oliver

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